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Othmer Library of Chemical History: Frequently Asked Questions

The Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Library is an independent research library.

Search for a Journal

What is Midon? 

"Midon" is the name of the Othmer Library's online catalog. It is a combination of two names,  Mildred Topp Othmer and Donald F. Othmer. A challenge grant created by the Othmers in 1988 established the Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Library of Chemical History at the Science History Institute.


Am I able to search the library's online catalog by journal title and/or limit my search to only the journal collection?

To search by journal title, select "Journal Title" from the drop down menu on the left side of the search box on the catalog's "Search Midon" page. To limit a search strictly to the library's journal collection, select "Journal Collection" from the drop down menu on the right side of the search box.


Is there an advanced search option?

Across the top of the "Search Midon" page of the library's online catalog, select the third heading from the left titled "Advanced Search." Once on the "Advanced Search" page, enter terms and optionally, add limits for a search. Click the "Submit" button to initialize a search.

Request a Journal Volume

How do I request a volume of a journal?

On the page containing the journal's catalog record, click the "Request" option (accompanied by a red checkmark) above the search box. If you are not already signed in to your patron account, you will be prompted to sign in with your last name and the last five digits of the barcode on your library card. You will be taken to an "Item Selection Form" on which you can choose a volume.* After selecting a volume, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Request Selected Item." A message will appear indicating that your request was successful.

*Presently, only one volume of a journal title can be requested at a time. To request multiple volumes, follow the above steps for each volume that is required. 


The article I wish to read is in a volume listed as "unbound" and there is no option for requesting it. Is there a way to see this volume? Who should I contact?

Although unbound volumes cannot be requested directly through the library's online catalog, these volumes are available for patron use. If you are in need of unbound issue(s), please contact Othmer Library staff at 

In your message, please include all relevant information such as the journal title, the volume number(s), and the date of publication if known.


Get a Copy of an Article

Are journals available for interlibrary loan?

The Othmer Library does not loan the journals in its collection.

Photocopies of journal articles may be obtained through document delivery. The photocopying fee per document is $20.00 for the first ten pages and 25 cents per additional page. Reciprocal agreements with other institutions are considered.

More detailed information regarding the library's interlibrary loan and document delivery services is provided on the following page of this guide:

Help with Citations

I am not sure how to cite an article from a journal. Would someone at the library be able to help me?

Library staff are happy to assist with citation information. If you have any questions regarding citation structure and/or content, please send a message to