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World War I, Chemistry and the Chemical Industry: Journals

This guide highlights our various holdings on chemistry during and for WWI.

WWI Chemistry & Chemical Industry Journals


The following citations may be useful starting points for those researching World War I chemistry and chemical industry:*

Armour, B. R. (1917). American dyes - after the war. Chemical Engineer, 27(1), 26-28.

Auld, S. J. M. (1918). Methods of gas warfare. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry10(4), 297-301.

Atkins, P. (2014). War and peace. Chemistry & Industry, 78(8), 38-43.

Baker, N. D. (1919). Chemistry in warfare. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(10), 921-923.

Buc, H. C. (1919). Chemicals received by the Bureau of Chemistry during the war. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(12), 1140-1141.

Burrell, G. A. (1919). The Research Division, Chemical Warfare Service, U.S.A. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(2), 93-104.

Carleton, P. W. (1919). Anti-dimming compositions for use in the gas mask. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry11(12), 1105-1111.

Chemical Warfare Service. (1918). Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 10(9), 675-684.

Dewey, B. (1919). Production of gas defense equipment for the Army. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(3), 185-197.

Fieldner, A. C., Teague, M. C., & Yoe, J. H. (1919). Protection afforded by army gas masks against various industrial gases. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(7), 622-623.

Fitzgerald, E. F. (1960). Gas!. Armed Forces Chemical Journal, 14(6), 14-19.

Freemantle, M. (2016). Chemistry and war: How chemistry underpinned the great war. Chemistry International, 38(1), 8-12.

Goss, B.C. (1919). An artillery gas attack. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(9), 829-836.

Government recognizes the importance of chemistry in the war. (1918). Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 10(3), 234-236.

Herty, C. H. (1916). The expanding relations of chemistry in America. Chemical engineer, 24(4), 154-158.

Hopkins, O.P. (1918). Effect of the war on American chemical trade. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 10(9), 692-700.

Howe, H. E. (1919). The origin, work, and plans of the National Research Council. Chemical Age, 1, 15-19. 

Kevles, D. J. (1969). George Ellery Hale, the First World War, and the advancement of science in America. Isis, 59(4), 427-437.

Kevles, D. J. (1971). Federal legislation for engineering experimental stations: The episode of WWI. Technology and Culture, 12(2), 182-189.

LeMaistre, F. J. (1918). Conditions of the French chemical industries during 1919. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 10(6), 421-423.

Norris, J. F. (1919). The manufacture of war gases in Germany. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(9), 817-829.

Norton, T. H. (1917). After the war: What of the export trade in chemicals? [Editorial]. Chemical Engineer, pp.161-165.

The organization of national industrial research [Editorial]. (1917, July) Chemical Engineer, pp. 201-204.

Report of the Alien Property Custodian on the chemical industry. (1919). Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(4), 352-365.

Roland, A. (1985). Science and war. Osiris, 1, 247-272.

Sibert. W. L. (1919). Chemical warfare. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(11), 1060-1062.

The trade agreement of Great Britain and her allies. (1916). Chemical Engineer, 24(1), 42-43. 

Trumpener, U. (1975). The road to Ypres: The beginnings of gas warfare in World War I. Journal of Modern History, 47(3), 460-480.

Webster, J.C. (1919). The first gas regiment. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry11(7), 621-622.


*This list of citations is not meant to be comprehensive. Its intent is to provide a sample of journal articles relevant to the study of WWI chemistry and chemical industry.

Useful Subject Headings

When searching for resources on WWI chemistry and chemical industry in the library's catalog, try using the following subject headings to refine your search:

· Chemical agents (Munitions) -- History.

· Chemical industry.

· Chemical industry-- Europe -- History.

· Chemical industry -- History.

· Chemical industry -- Periodicals.

· Chemical warfare -- Bibliography.

· Chemical Warfare -- History.

· Chemical warfare -- Periodicals.

· Chemical weapons -- History.

· Chemistry, Technical.

· Gases, Asphyxiating and poisonous -- War use.

· World War, 1914-1918.

· World War, 1914-1918 -- Chemical warfare.

· World War, 1914-1918 -- Chemistry.

Tip: Search subject headings by selecting SUBJECT from the drop down menu on the catalog's main search page.